Romina Ibiza Villas

Property Selling In Ibiza – What You Need To Know.

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If you decide to sell your property in Ibiza, there are a couple of things you should be aware of.
The process
Before putting your property on the market, you should carry out a home valuation, this will help you understand how much your property is worth. One of our team will come over to have a look around the property, take detailed notes on each of the rooms and value how much your house is worth, so you can get an accurate idea before deciding on the asking price. We’ll then place your property on the Ibiza market and start showing the house to prospective clients. Once an offer is made and is accepted by you, a contract of “Compra-Venta” is stipulated. Usually, at this point, a 10% deposit is paid to the seller and once this contract is signed, both parties are tied to an agreement with a specified completion date.
Property documents needed
To sell your Ibiza property you need to have all the necessary documents put in place:
  • IBI Receipts – The annual tax payment to the local authority, similar to council tax in the UK. When selling your house, you must present the last, most recent IBI receipt to the notary to show that payments are up to date and that there is no outstanding tax liability on the property.
  • Habitability Certificate The certificate of habitability known as “Cedula” is a stamped document by the Consell de Ibiza that confirms that your property meets the basic conditions to be inhabitad.
  • Simple Note – A short legal report summarising the property, it’s current owners and location of the dwelling.
  • Title Deeds (Escritura) – The “Escrtitura” is a substantial document detailing the entirely of your property. It is a public document that certifies the change of legal ownership from one party to another.
  • Catastro Information – The catastro number is found on the Nota Simple and the Escritura. It gives an indication of the property boundaries and limits.

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